Mosbach Chiropractic Clinic is your source for professional nutritional counseling in the Washington, IL, area. Through extensive research, Dr. Mosbach implements the highest quality products on the market to ensure you receive the results you're after.
We'll review detailed diet plans and make recommendations on how you can change your lifestyle to be the healthiest you that you can be! A healthy diet and proper nutrition are the foundation of health which can ultimately influence your chiropractic care and needs as well. That's why we encourage you to watch your diet and choose supplements that are healthy and appropriate for you.
Contact us
today to discuss your nutritional needs, and let us help you feel your best.
One of the easiest ways to evaluate your diet and understand any supplements you're taking is to complete a symptom survey. With the information gathered, we can find out if you're getting enough of the right nutrients, what types of supplements could benefit you the most, and what changes to your diet could help you reach your goals.
request a symptom survey
from our office, answer the questions to the best of your ability, and bring it with you on your next visit. We'll analyze the information and Dr. Mosbach will review his findings with you. Then, he can make proper recommendations on the most beneficial nutrition and supplement plan for you.